Links to other pages: Chart 3L Site Directory Index of Names

Excerpts from the 1920 Census for Creek County, OK:

Columns in the 1920 Census records shown below (not all census categories are reproduced):

0. Links to the 1910 census
1. The name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1920, was in this family
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Relationship to head of family
5. Marital status: "s" for single, "m" for married, and "w" for widowed or "d" for divorced
6. Occupation
7. Place of Birth
8. Father's place of birth
9. Mother's place of birth

Navigation tip: Use the << hyperlink on the left side of a row to jump to that person's entry in the 1910 census.

link to
 Sapulpa City, Sapulpa Township
 Enumeration District 43, sheet 2B, family 150
<< Mary McFann35Fheadwd PAPAPA
<< Kenneth McFann16Msons PAPAPA
 Enumeration District 44, sheet 12A, family 259
<< George W. McFann47MheadmDrilling ContractorPAPAPA
  Edna McFann42Fwifem PAPAPA
  Margaret McFann20FdausSchool teacher: CountyOHPAPA
  Bessie Snell23sboardersSchool teacher: CountyIANYNJ

Notes and Credits

Census records transcribed by Brian McFann