Links to other pages: Chart 4GW Site Directory Index of Names

Excerpts from the 1900 Census for Wood County, OH:

Columns in the 1900 Census records shown below (not all census categories are reproduced):

0. Links to the 1880 census
1. The name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1900, was in this family
2. Month of birth
3. Year of birth
4. Age at last birthday
5. Sex
6. Relationship to head of family
7. Marital status: "s" for single, "m" for married, and "w" for widowed or "d" for divorced
8. Number of years married
9. Number of children of woman
10. Number of those children still living
11. Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male and female, over 15 years of Age
12. Place of Birth. Naming the State, Territory, or Country
13. Father's place of birth
14. Mother's place of birth
15. Links to 1910 census

Navigation tip: Use the << hyperlink on the left side of a row to jump to that person's entry in the 1880 census; Use the >> hyperlink on the right side of a row to jump to that person's entry in the 1910 census

link to
1234567891011121314 link to
 Portage Township 
 Enumeration District 158, sheet 6 (page 190 B), family 133 
<< George W. McFannJuly187128Mheadm3  Supt (oil field)PAPAPA >>
  Edna G. McFannJune187822Fwifem311 PAPAPA  
  Margaret L. McFannMay18991Fdaus    OHPAPA  

Notes and Credits

The Enumeration District and sheet number are found at the top of each census page. The page number (in parentheses) above is the number stamped on the upper right corner of every other census sheet.

Census records transcribed by Brian McFann