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Letter from the wife of Harry H. McFann to Beulah G. McFann

The text of this letter was sent to me by Sandra Kerschner Green. Beulah McFann was the wife of William D. McFann, of the Kansas branch of the family.

Eldorado, Arkansas
March 7, 1952

Beulah G. McFann
619 W 4th Ave.
Emporia, Kansas

Dear Unknown,

This is a letter to you from perhaps an unknown cousin. One of my nieces ran across your name in Tulsa, Oka. in an office and as there is really only one family of McFanns stemming from two brothers who came to America in the early 1800's from Scotland. We were curious as to your branch of the family. May I introduce myself? I am the wife of Harry H. McFann who is a son of Levi Reinhart McFann (deceased), who lived and had his family in Pennsylvania near Butler.

Having three sons myself, I've interested myself in the genealogy of the McFann Family and would be very beholden to you if you would throw some light on your branch of the family. Are you Miss McFann or are you the wife of a McFann? Tell me of you and your husband's parents. If you have children I am sure you will be glad to assist me in this work. I am sending you all the information I can collect to a genealogist in Washington DC, so it is important you tell me all you can. I have records from Pa, Minnesota, Fla, Col. and Calif. It is a big family! Yes, even in Ark. and Ky. Please will you help?

Most Urgently
Mrs. H. H. McFann
418 W Elm St.
Eldorado, Arkansas

Page written by Brian McFann