Letter from Harold P. McFann to Samuel H. Swint, SrA photocopy of the following letter was supplied from the Samuel H. Swint Papers (A./1./III.), Gregg-Graniteville Collection, courtesy of the Gregg-Graniteville Library-University of South Carolina Aiken. Permission to reproduce the letter on this web page was granted by the library. |
Montpelier O[hio], Jan 13 - [19]20 Dear Friend & Bro. Received your greetings on Thanksgiving day and was very glad to get them and took great pleasure in showing my friends. Wrote you a letter shortly after coming home from camp but had lost your address and had forgotten your initials so was unable to send it. Was married shortly after coming home and started to house-keeping on May 1st and on Nov 8th had a 9 1/2 # boy so you can see I have made good use of my time since coming home and have as nice a home as anyone dare have. Only have five rooms but that is enough for the present. You know I was planning on coming So[uth] - well haven't given it up yet but I haven't got my furniture quite payed for and want a little ahead before starting out with three. So you can look for me about next Sept. or maybe before. e.[?] How is work around there - Switching or Braking I am experienced at either. Ha. Carson Lu[?] - the little fellow that came to see me quite often was married before I came home. I wrote Roy Parkin a letter soon after coming home but have never heard from him. Suppose you are busy every day? Still at the old job or have you changed? Haven't had any mishaps around the preacher lately have you? Well I wish you were here so we could talk over old times again. Why not come up and see us? We usualy have plenty to eat and a place to sleep so I think we could get along fine don't you? Ha. We have about 4 inches of snow and it is snowing tonite so suppose we will have several more inches before morning. So will have to put on my 4 b[?] arctics in A.M. to go to work. Well must quit and will try and write more the next time. Your Old Pal H. P. McFann [on the reverse of the envelope:] 112 1/2 Empire St. Montpelier, Ohio |
Page written by Brian McFann mcfann@u.washington.edu |