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Selected Military Pension Records for
Jonathan McFann

Contents of John McFann's Pension File (National Archives, SC 234507):
  1. Disability Affidavit, 20 September 1879, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: John McFann states that while in the service he contracted chronic diarrhea and that since leaving the service he has not been able to work full time.
  2. Internal Document, 18 Dec 1880,
    Abstract: The Pension Office (part of the Department of the Interior) requests a report from the Adjutant General (in the War Department) of John McFann's service record.
  3. Internal Document, 31 January 1881.
    Abstract: The Adjutant General's Office reports that they are unable to furnish any evidence of the alleged disability.
  4. Affidavit of Dr. J. N. Owen, 2 July 1881, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: Dr Owen states that he knew John McFann prior to his enlistment, that McFann was healthy prior to his enlistment, and that since his discharge McFann has suffered from chronic diarrhea that has rendered him unfit for manual labor at least one half of each year.
  5. Affidavit of Dr. J. F. Reger, 2 July 1881, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: Similar to the affidavit of Dr.Owen. Dr Reger treated him beginning in 1871.
  6. Affidavit of Thomas A. Reed, 25 March 1882, Wetzel Co, WV
    Abstract: Reed states that he was a comrade of McFann in Company H and testifies about the onset of McFann's disability.
  7. Affidavit of John McFann, 28 March 1882, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: John McFann explains why he is unable to furnish the testimony of doctors who treated him while he was in the service. He has enclosed affidavits of comrades showing the existence of the disability while in the service and says that he can furnish additional affidavits of comrades if necessary.
  8. Affidavit of John McFann, 23 October 1882, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: Similar to the previous affidavit.
  9. Affidavit of John McFann, 17 March 1883, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: John McFann reminds the Pension Office that he had furnished that office with the affidavits of Drs J. N. Owen and J. F. Rigger as to the extent to which he has been incapacitated from performing manual labor since the date of his discharge, he offers if necessary to again furnish the pension office with the affidavits of the two physicians, he forwards to the pension office the affidavits of George W. Marshall, [?] Marshall, William Reynolds, and Silas Hedge "as to the extent that he has been incapacitated from performing manual labor on account of chronic diarrhoea and broken down system", and he states that he can furnish additional affidavits if necessary.
  10. Affidavit of William Miller, 18 March 1882, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: William Miller states that he was and is well acquainted with John McFann, that he served in the same company and regiment as McFann, and he testifies about McFann's illness and treatment in the hospital.
  11. Affidavit of Nathan Wright, 24 March 1882, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: Nathan Wright states that he was a Private in the same company and regiment as McFann and was well acquainted with him. He testifies that he was present when McFann was taken to the hospital and visited him in the hospital.
  12. Affidavit of George W. Marshall, 15 March 1883, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: George Marshall states that he is a neighbor and occasionally an employer of John McFann and testifies that McFann was an able bodied man prior to his enlistment, but that since his discharge he has suffered from chronic diarrhea which has prevented him from performing manual labor one half of each and every year since his discharge.
  13. Adffidavit of Dr. J. F. Reger, 20 April 1894.
    Abstract: Reger testifies that he has treated John McFann since 1870 for chronic diarrhea and piles. He also notes indications of "incipient valvular heart disease".
  14. Circular from the Bureau of Pensions, 1898.
    Abstract: McFann is asked for and he supplies the maiden name of his wife and the names and dates of birth of his children.
  15. Affidavit of John McFann, 27 April 1903, Wetzel Co, WV.
    Abstract: John McFann explains that he did not sign his 1902 declaration for pension because he was nervous that day and "could not write his name to make it plain".
  16. Pensioner Dropped, 29 Aug 1906.
    Abstract The Commissioner of Pensions is notified that John McFann has been dropped from the pension roll due to his death on 17 December 1905.

There may have been an original application for invalid pension (1879) that was not included in the documents copied for me by the National Archives. His Affadavit of 1903 refers to his "Declaration for Penson June 18 1902" which was not included.

Disability Affidavit:

STATE OF West Virginia
County of Wetzel

In the Matter of the Original INVALID Pensions Claim No.     
of John McFann

  ON THIS 20 day of September A. D. 1879, personally appeared before me, a
Clerk of th Circuit Court in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer
oaths, John McFann, aged 43 years, a resident of
Church District in the County of Wetzel, and State
of West Virginia, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit,
and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to his claim for pension as follows: My Post Office Address is….
Milo  Wetzel County  West Virginia
For 10 years immeditaely preceding my enlistment into the service of the United States on the 18th
day of February, 1865, I resided in the following-named places: in Church District
Wetzel County  West Virginia

and my occupation was that of a Farmer and Rail Road hand
Since my discharge from said service on the 30 day of June, 1865, I have resided in
Church District  Wetzel County  West Virginia
and my occupation has been that of a Farmer
I further state that the disability for which I claim a pension arises from Chronic Diahrea[sic]
which was contracted at Bulltown Braxton County W Va on or about the 1st day of May 1865 caused by cold and [exposure?] and hard marching while on a scouting campaign under the
command of Capt Wm D. Logsdon

From my said discharge to the present time, I have received the following medical treatment for said disease
by Dr I. B. Stidger of Cameron W Va in July 1865
and by Dr J. F. Reger of Milo Wetzel Co W Va
in June 1878 and at different times by [?] and since that time

Since the origin of the disability for which pension is claimed, I have suffered with he following acute diseases:

And during all of the said time my physical condition and ability to perform manual labor has been as follows:…
about one half of my time
  I further state that the entire service rendered by me is as follows: Enlisted Feb 18th 1865
discharged June 30 1865

and that I have not served in the Army or Navy either prior or subsequent thereto.
[signed] John McFann

Adjutant General's Report:

War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, D.C., Jany 31, 1881

Sir:   I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 311523, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.
  It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that John McFann was enrolled on the 17th day of February, 1865, at Wheeling, in Co. "H"  17th Regiment of W. Virginia Infantry Voluteers, to seve one years or during the war, and mustered into service as a Private on the 18th day of February, 1865, at Wheeling, in Co. "H",   17th Regiment of W. Virginia Infantry Volunteers, to serve one years, or duringthe war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "H" of that Regiment, for the months of to April 30, 1865, he is reported present at Bulltown W.Va     Private mustered out with Co June 20 1865 at [?] W.Va.    Regimental return for May 1865 does not report him absent
The records of this office furnish no evidence of alleged disability

Affidavit of J. N. Owen:

State of West Virginia
Wetzel County
to wit
on this 2nd day of July 1881 personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the County aforesaid Dr. J. N. Owen whom I certify to be reputable and entitled to credit who after being by me first duly sworn says
I am will acquainted with John McFann late a Private in Co H 17th Regt W Va Inft. I have been acquainted with the said McFann since his boyhood and was his family Physician at the time and for five years immediately preceeding his enlistment. He was then a sound healthy man. Some time after he was discharged he came to me for treatment for chronic diarrhea. I treated him for the said disability frequently from then [?] in the year 1875. During that time the aforesaid disability rendered him weak and debilitated rendering him unfit to perform manual labor at least one half of each year during that time and that I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. My PO address is Milo, Wetzel County W Va
[signed] J N Owen

[Some punctuation was added]

Affidavit of Thomas A. Reed:

State of West Virginia
Wetzel County
to wit
on this 25th day of March 1882 personally appeared before me a pension notary within and for the county aforesaid Thomas A. Reed who after being by me first duly sworn says
I am intimately acquainted with John McFann late a Private in Co H 17th Regiment W Va Inft and know that about the first of May 1865 the said McFann contracted chronic Diarrhea while in the line of duty at Bulltown Braxton County W Va under the following circumstances. The company a short time before had been on a scout through the mountains and was much exposed lying on the ground wading streams and hard marching. A few days after the company returned from the scout the said McFann (while on Picket) took very sick with a violent Diarrhea caused in my opinion by exposure and fatigue. He was brought in to camp and sent to the Regimental Hospital at Bulltown and remained there under treatment untill the Regiment left that place. He was then taken to Clarksburg and was in the Regimental Hospital there a day or two and then went to his home on sick leave and remained there until he rejoined the Regiment while on their way to Wheeling to be mustered out. He was still suffering with the chronic Diarrhea and was much reduced and debilitated at the time of his discharge. I acquired my knowledge of these facts from personal observation under the following circumstances. I was a private in the same company and Regiment and was on intimate terms with the said McFann and messed and bunked with him all the time we was in said organization and was on picket with him when he contracted the disability aforesaid and helped care for him untill he was taken to the hospital and saw him almost daily while he was in the Hospital. His condition was such while he was in the Hospital that at one time I did not think he could survive. I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. My Post office address is Wheeling West Virginia
[signed] Thomas A Reed

[some punctuation was added]

Affidavit of John McFann (28 March 1882):

State of West Virginia
Wetzel County
to wit
on this 28th day of March 1882 personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the county aforesaid John McFann who after being by me first duly swnorn says
I am unable to furnish the testimony of a Regimental Surgeon for treatment for the disability alleged in my pension claim No. 311523 for the following reasons. I was not treated for said disability only in Regimental Hospital had have written to Benoni Parkinsion late surgeon 17th W Va Inft and he does not recollect my case (see his card annexed) and am unable to find the address of Dr Ramsey late surgeon 17th W Va Inft. I enclose affidavits of comrades showing the existence of said disability while in the service and can furnish additional affidavits of comrades if necessary.
[signed] John McFann

Affidavit of John McFann (23 Oct 1882):

State of West Virginia
Wetzel County
to wit
on this 23rd day of Oct 1882 personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the county aforesaid John McFann late a Private of Co H 17th W Va Inft who after being by me first duly sworn says he is unable to furnish the testimony of a regimental surgeon in his claim for original invalid pension no. 311523 for the reason that as shown in his former affidavit and postas card attached thereto from Dr Benoni Parkinson late surgeon of the 17th W Va Inft that he does not recollect of the treatment while inthe regimental hospital at Bulltown W Va and that he has since ascertained that Dr J. H. Ramsey late asst surgeon was not at Bulltown at the time he was treated in the regimental hospital at Bulltown but was at Weston in charge of a hospital tent there where a detachment of the said regiment was then stationed. Affiant further states that he was never in the confederate service nor in the military or naval service prior to February 18th 1865. Affian further states that he can furnish additional testimony of comrades as to the incurrance of the alleged disability and being treated for the same in the regimental hospital if necessary and that his PO address is Milo, Wetzel County W Va
[signed] John McFann

Affidavit of George Marshall:

State of West Virginia
County of Wetzel
In the matter of the invalid pension claim no 311523 of John McFann late Private Co H 17th W Va Inft.
Personally came before me, a Pension Notary in and for aforesaid County and State, George W. Marshall, aged 67 years citizen of the Town of Milo, County of Wetzel, State of West Virginia, well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case, as follows:
I have been well acquainted with the said John McFann and lived a close neighbor to him for about 27 years and prior to his enlistment he frequently worked for me and with me and he was then an ablebodied man and I verily believe free from any disability. When he returned home after being discharged from the service he was apparently broken down and debilitated and suffering with chronic diarrhea which has continuoulsy existed which has in my opinion prevented him from performing manual labor fully one half of each and every year since his discharge from the service to this present time. I know this from the following reasons. I have very frequently been with him scarcely a week elapsing during that time without seeing him and he has frequently worked for me since his return home from the service and when he does perform manual labor he cannot do near the amount of labor that he could do in a day prior to his enlistment and a great portion of the time since his discharge from the service he has not performed any kind of manual labor.

1898 Circular:

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions

Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898

Certificate No. 234507
Name, John McFann

  In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below

First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Mary Ferguson
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer Justice Fox  Pa
Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer was married with out Sirtificate[sic]
Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer No
Fifth Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer. Emma, Levi Monroe, Mary Bell, Elizabeth Jane, William Lindsey, Leona, Della, Maggie, George,

x [his mark] John McFann

[On the back or on a separate piece of paper is written:]

Emily Borned Sep 25 --- 1858
Levi Monroe" March 22 --- 1860
Mary Bell" Dec 11 --- 1862
Elizabeth Jane" May 6 --- 1864
William L" Jan 17 --- 1867
Alma Leona  Jan 13 --- 1870
Ardella  Feb 13 --- 1872
Maggie  May 28 --- 1877
George  Dec 18 --- 1880

Photocopies of the documents were obtained by mail from the National Archives and transcribed by Brian McFann